The procedure for registration of a trust or institution, is as follows:—
(1) On receipt of an application for registration of a trust or institution; the Commissioner shall —
(a) call for such documents or information from the trust or institution as he thinks necessary in order to satisfy himself; and
(b) after satisfying himself about the objects or the trust of institution, he shall pass an order in writing registering the trust or institution; and if he is not so satisfied, pass an order in writing refusing to register the trust or institution, and a copy of such order shall be sent to the applicant: However, no order shall be passed unless the applicant has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard,
It is so as to provided that where a trust or an institution has been granted registration and subsequently it is noticed that the activities of the trust or the institution are being carried out in a manner that the provisions of sections 11 and 12 do not apply to exclude either whole or any part of the income of such trust or institution due to operation of sub-section (1) of section 13, then the Commissioner or Principal Commissioner may by order in writing cancel the registration of such trust or institution. However, the registration shall not be cancelled under the said subsection, if the aforesaid trust or institution proves that there was a reasonable cause for the activities to be carried out in the said manner. (Inserted by the Finance (No.2) BIll, 2014, w.e.f. 01.10.2014) |