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The General Explanatory Notes under GST Tariff

General Explanatory Notes provide the schemes of headings, subheadings of product codes at 2 digit, 4 digit, 6 digit and 8 digit level. It also provides the relevance of other columns of the Tariff and its contents. Although, this notes are in reference to the Central Excise tariff, but it makes us to understand as to how would be the classification plan under GST Tariff too.

1.         General Explanatory Note 1: Where in column (2) of this Schedule, the description of an article or group of articles under a heading is preceded by “-“, the said article or group of articles shall be taken to be a sub-classification of the article or group of articles covered by the said heading. Where, however, the description of an article or group of articles is preceded by “--“, the said article or group of articles shall be taken to be a sub-classification of the immediately preceding description of the article or group of articles which has “-“. Where the description of an article or group of articles is preceded by “---“ or “----“, the said article or group of articles shall be taken to be a sub-classification of the immediately preceding description of the article or group of articles which has “-“ or “--“.

The abbreviation “%“ in column (4) of this Schedule in relation to the rate of duty indicates that duty on the goods to which the entry relates shall be charged on the basis of the value of the goods fixed, defined or deemed to be, as the case may be, under or in sub-section (2) read with sub-section (3) of section 3 or section 4 or section 4A of the Central Excise Act, 1944, the duty being equal to such percentage of the value as is indicated in that column.

2.         Additional Notes

In this Schedule:

(1)       (a)        “heading”, in respect of goods, means a description in list of tariff provisions accompanied by a four-digit number and includes all sub-headings of tariff items the first four-digits of which correspond to that number;

(b)       “sub-heading”, in respect of goods, means a description in the list of tariff provisions accompanied by a six-digit number and includes all tariff items the first six-digits of which correspond to that number;

(c)        “tariff item” means a description of goods in the list of tariff provisions accompanying either eight-digit number and the rate of the duty of excise or eight- digit number with blank in the column of the rate of duty;

(2)       The list of tariff provisions is divided into Sections, Chapters and Sub-Chapters;

(3)       In column (3), the standard unit of quantity is specified for each tariff item to facilitate the collection, comparison and analysis of trade statistics.

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