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BLOG on Income Tax Management for - AY 2022-23 & 2023-24

Chapter VIA - In The IT Act

Chapter VIA of the IT Act provides for a straight deduction of the whole or a specified percentage of the amount qualifying for the same in computing the total income. It has been made clear in Section 80A(2) that the aggregate of these deductions cannot exceed the gross total income of the assessee. Section 80A(3) provides that where a deduction has been allowed under Sections 80G, 8OGGA, 8OHH, 8OHHA, 8OHHB, 8OHHC, 8OHHD, 80-I, 80-IA or 80J, (described later) in computing the total income of AOP. or body of individuals, no deduction under the same section shall be allowed in computing the total income of a member of the association or body, in relation to his share in the income of the association or body.

Section 80B contains defmitions of certain terms used in Chapter VIA. The term “Gross total income” under Section 80B(5) means the total income computed in accordance with the provisions of the IT Act before making any deduction under Chapter VIA.

Deductions to be made in Computing Total Income [Sections 80A to 80U (Chapter VIA)]




1. Deduction in respect of Life Insurance Premium, Deferred Annuity, Contribution to PF, Subscription fo certain Equity Shares or Debentures etc. [Section 80C]

  1. Assessees which are Allowed Deduction under Section 80C for computing Total Income

  2. Qualifying Investment/Savings to avail Deduction under Section 80C from Gross Total Income

  3. Salient Features of Section 80C

2. Deduction in respect of Contribution to certain Pension Funds [Section 80CCC]

3. Deduction in respect of Contribution to National Pension Scheme (NPS) of Central Government by Central Government or any other Employer [ Section 80CCD]

4. Deduction in respect of investment made under an equity savings scheme [Section 80CCG]

5. Deduction in respect of Health or Medical Insurance Premia [Section 80D]

  1. Essential Conditions for Claiming Deduction in respect of Health or Medical Insurance Premium under this Section:

  2. Quantum of Deduction under Section 80D

  3. Maximum Deduction Amount under Section 80D

6. Deduction in respect of Maintenance Including Medical Treatment of a Dependent who is a person with Disability [Section 80DD]

7. Deduction in respect of Medical Treatment , etc. [Section 80DDB]

8. Deduction in respect of Interest of Loan taken for Higher Education [Section 80E]

9. Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for residential house property [Section 80EE] [W.e.f. A.Y. 2017-18]

10. Deduction in respect of Donations to certain Funds, Charitable Institutions , etc. [Section 80G]

  1. Essential Conditions for claiming Deduction under this Section 80G :

  2. Amount Deductible Under Section 80G

  3. Net Qualifying Amount

  4. Quantum of Deduction U/s 80G

  5. Mode of Payment in respect of Donation U/s 80G

11. Deduction in respect of Rents Paid [Section 80GG]

  1. Essential Conditions for claiming deduction under Section 80GG :

  2. Quantum of Deduction under Section 80GG :

12. Deduction in respect of certain Donations for Scientfic Research or Rural Development [Section 80GGA]



1. Deduction in respect of Profit and Gains from Industrial Undertaking or Enterprises engaged in infrastructure Development [Section 80-IA]

  1. Essential Conditions for Enterprises Carrying on the Business of Infrastructure Facility [Section 80-IA(4)(i)]

  2. Essential Conditions of undertaking which is engaged in Generation, Transmission, Distribution of Power, etc. [Section 80-IA(4)(iv)]

  3. An undertaking which is enganged in 'Telecommunication Services'.

  4. An undertaking which is enganged in 'Industrial Park or Sepcial Economic Zone'

  5. An undertaking which is enganged in 'Reconstruction of Power Unit'

  6. Conditions applicable to all Undertakings / Enterprises mentioned above.

2 Deduction in respect of Profit and Gains from Industrial Undertakings or enterprises engaged in development of Special Economic Zone (SEZ). [Section 80-IAB ]

  1. Conditions - The following conditions should be satisfied—

  2. Amount and Period of Deducation Under Section 80-IAB

  3. Conditions prescribed under section 80-IA(7) to (12) to be applicable to undertaking for claiming deduction under section 80-IAB [Section 80-IAB(3)]:

3. Deduction in respect of Eligible Business of Eligible Start Up [Section 80-IAC] [W.e.f. A.Y. 2017-18]

  1. Conditions to be satisfied to claim exemption under section 80-IAC(1) [Section 80- IAC(3)]:

  2. 100% Deduction of Profit from Eligible Business [Section 80-IAC(1)]:

  3. Deduction to be allowed for any 3 Consecutive Assessment years out of 5 Years [Section 80-IAC(2)]:

  4. Further conditions applicable for an assessee claiming deduction under section 80-IAC [Section 80-IAC(4)]:

4. Deduction in respect of Profit & Gain from certain Industrial Undertaking other than Infrastructure Development Undertaking [Section 80-IB]

  1. Industrial undertaking Producing or Refining Mineral Oil in the North Eastern Region or in any part of India [Section 80-IB(9)]

  2. Undertaking engaged in the business of processing, preservation and packaging of fruits or vegetables or meat and meat products or poultry or marine or dairy products or integrated business of handling, storage and transportation of food grains [Section 80-IB(11A)]

  3. Undertaking Operating and Maintaining a Hospital located anywhere in India other than Excluded Area [Section 80-IB(11C)]

  4. Further Conditions applicable for all Assessees Claiming Deduction under Section 80-IB [Section 80-IB(13)]:

5. Deduction in respect of Profits and Gains from Housing Projects [Section 80-IBA]

  1. 100% Deduction of Profit from Housing Projects [Section 80-IBA(1)]:

  2. Conditions to be Fulfilled [Section 80-IBA(2)]:

  3. Consequences if the Project is Not Completed within a period of 5 years from the date of Approval [Section 80-IBA(4)]:

  4. Deduction under any other Provisions of the Act not allowed if the same is claimed under this section [Section 80-IBA(5)]:

6. Deduction in respect of Profits and Gains of Certain Undertaking or Enterprises in certain Special Category States. [Section 80-IC]

  1. Conditions - The following conditions should be satisfied –

  2. Amount of Deduction under Section 80-IC -

7. Deduction in respect of Profits and Gains from Business of Hotels and Convention center in NCR [Section 80-ID]

  1. Conditions - The following Conditions should be satisfied –

  2. Amount of Deduction under Section 80-ID -

8. Deduction in respect of certain undertaking in North-Eastern States [Section 80-IE].

  1. It has during the period beginning on 1.4.2007 and ending before 1.4.2017 begun or begins in any of the North-Eastern States:

  2. It is not formed by splitting up, or the reconstruction, of a business already in existence:

  3. It is not formed by the transfer to a new business of machinery or plant previously used for any purpose.

  4. Deduction under this section is not available in respect of manufacture or production of tobacco, pan masala, plastic carry bags or less than 20 microns or goods produced by petroleum oil and gas refineries.

  5. Deduction should be claimed in the Return of Income.

  6. Quantum and Period of Deduction under Section 80-IE :

  7. Other Condition of Section 80-IA also applicable [Section 80-IE(6)]:

9. Deduction In Respect Of Profit And Gains From Business Of Collecting And Processing Of Bio-Degradable Waste. [Section 80-JJA]

10. Deduction In Respect Of Employment Of New Employees [Section 80-JJAA]

  1. 30% of Additional Employee Cost to be allowed as Deduction for 3 assessment years [Section 80-JJAA(1)]:

  2. Essential Conditions [Section 80-JJAA(2)]:

  3. Additional Points with reference to Section 80-JJAA

11. Deduction In Respect Of Certain Income Of Offshore Banking Units And International Financial Services Center. [Section 80-LA]

  1. To whom the Deduction will be Allowed under Section 80-LA:

  2. Income in respect of which Deduction under Section 80-LA will be allowed:

  3. Quantum and Period of of Deduction under Section 80-LA:

  4. Additional Conditions to be satisfied to claim Deduction Under Section 80-LA :

12. Deduction In Respect Of Income Of Co-Operative Societies. [Section 80-P]

  1. Where 100% Deduction is Allowed in respect of income of Co-operative Societies under Section 80P

  2. Where Deduction is Allowed to a Limited Eextent in respect of income of the Co-operative Societies under Section 80P :

  3. Consequences in the case of Multiple Deduction under Section 80P -

13. Deduction in respect of Income of Farm Producer Companies [Section 80-PA] w.e.f. A.Y. 2019-20

  1. Deduction under Section 80PA is available if the following Conditions are satisfied –

  2. Amount of Deduction under Section 80PA -

14. Deduction In respect of Royalty Income, Etc., of Authors of Certain Books other than Text-Books [Section 80-QQB]

  1. Essential Conditions for Claiming Deduction under this Section 80QQB :

  2. Amount of Deductin under Section 80QQB

  3. No Double Deduction be Allowed :

  4. Remittance from Abroad -

  5. Rate of Royalty not to exceed 15% -

15. Deduction In Respect Of Royalty On Patents [Section 80-RRB]

  1. Conditions - The following Conditions should be satisfied in order to Claim Deduction under Section 80RRB —

  2. Amount of Deduction under Section 80RRB -

16. Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in Savings Accounts [Section 80-TTA]

17. Senior Citizen to be allowed a Deduction of Rs. 50,000 on account of Interest on Deposits with Banks / Co-operative Bank / Post Office [Section 80-TTB]

  1. Senior Citizen to be allowed a Deduction of Rs. 50,000 on account of Interest on Deposits [Section 80TTB(1)]:

  2. Amount of Deduction under Section 80TTB -

  3. No Deduction to be Allowed if Deposit held in the name of Partner / Member by the Firm / AOP [Section 80TTB(2)]:

18. Deduction In Case Of A Person With Disability [Section 80U]

More Topics ...
Chapter VIA - In The Income Tax Act.
Deduction on Contributions To Certain Pension Funds- Sec.8OCCC
Deduction on Donations To Charitable Trust, Certain Funds,-Sec.-80G
Deduction In Respect Of House Rent - Section 8OGG
Section 8ODD: Deduction In Respect Of Medical Treatment Of Handicapped Dependent
Section 80D: Deduction In Respect Of Medical Insurance Premia
Deduction In Respect Of Medical Treatment Of Terminal Ailments, Etc. -Section 8ODDB
Section 8OCCF - Deduction In Respect Of Subscription To Long-Term Infrastructure Bonds
Section 80U- Deduction towards Permanent Physical Disability (Including Blindness)
Deduction Of Interest On Loan Çor Higher Studies-Section 80E
Deduction U/S 88CCD:Contribution to Pension Scheme of Central Govt.

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