Guide to .. Tax Management ,Tax Planning and Tax Saving
BLOG on Income Tax Management for - AY 2022-23 & 2023-24

Exempted Incomes ( Section 10)

  1. Agricultural Incomes [Section 10(1)]

  2. Any sum received by a Co-parcener from Hindu Undivided Family (H.U.F.) [Section 10(2)]

  3. Share of Income from the Firm [Section 10(2A)]

  4. Interest paid to Non-Resident [Section 10(4)(i)]

  5. Interest to Non-Resident on Non-Resident (External) Account [Section 10(4)(ii)]

  6. Interest paid to a person of Indian Origin and who is Non-Resident [Section 10(4 B)]

  7. Leave Travel Concession or Assistance (LTC/LTA) to an Indian Citizen Employee [Section 10(5)]

  8. Remuneration received by an individual who is not a citizen of India [Section 10(6)]

  9. Tax paid by Government or Indian concern on Income of a Foreign Company [Section 10(6A), (6B), (6BB) and (6C)]

  10. Perquisites and Allowances paid by Government to its Employees serving outside India [Section 10(7)]

  11. Employees of Foreign Countries working in India under Cooperative Technical Assistance Programme [Section 10(8)]

  12. Income of a Consultant [Section 10(8A)]

  13. Income of Employees of Consultant [Section 10(8B)]

  14. Income of any member of the family of individuals working in India under co-operative technical assistance programmes [Section 10(9)]

  15. Gratuity [Section 10(10)]

  16. Commuted value of pension received [Section 10(I0A)]

  17. Amount received as leave encashment on retirement [Section 10(10AA)]

  18. Retrenchment compensation paid to workmen [Section 10(10B)]

  19. Compensation received in case of any disaster [Section 10(10BC) ]

  20. 'Retirement Compensation' from a Public Sector Company or any other Company [Section 10 (10C)]

  21. Tax on Non-monetary Perquisites paid by Employer [Section 10(10CC)]

  22. Any sum received under a Life Insurance Policy [Section 10(10D)]

  23. Payment from Statutory Provident Fund [Section 10(11)]

  24. Payment from Recognised Provident Fund [Section 10(12)]

  25. Payment from Superannuation Fund [Section 10(13)]

  26. House Rent Allowance-HRA [Section 10(13A) Read with Rule 2A]

  27. Any Allowance given for meeting Business Expenditure [Section 10(14)]

  28. Interest Incomes [Section 10(15)]

  29. Scholarship to meet the Cost of Education [Section 10(16)]

  30. Allowance of M.P./M.L.A.Ior M.L.C. [Section 10(17)]

  31. Awards Instituted by Government [Section 10(17A)]

  32. Pension received by certain winners of gallantry awards [Section 10(18)]

  33. Family pension received by family members of armed forces including para military forces [Section 10(19)]

  34. Income of a local authority [Section 10(20)]

  35. Income of Scientific Research Association [Section 10(21)]

  36. Income of a News Agency [Section 10(22B)]

  37. Income of some Professional Institutions [Section 10(23A)]

  38. Exemption of Income Received by Regimental Fund [Section 23AA]

  39. Income of a Fund set-up for the welfare of employees or their dependents [Section 10(23AAA)]

  40. Income of a pension fund set up by LIC or other insurer [Section 10(23AAB)]

  41. Income of State Level Khadi and Village Industries Board [Section 10(23BB)]

  42. Income of certain Authorities set up to manage Religious and Charitable Institutions [Section 10(23BBA)]

  43. Income of European Economic Community [Section 10(23BBB)]

  44. Income of a SAARC Fund for regional projects [Section 10(23BBC)]

  45. Any income of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority [Section 10(23BBE)]

  46. Income of Prasar Bharti [Section 10(23BBH)] [Inserted by the Finance Act 2012, w.e.f. 2013-14]

  47. Any income received by a person on behalf of following Funds [Section 10(23C)]

  48. Income of Mutual Fund [Section 10(23D)]

  49. Exemption of income of a securitisation trust [Section 10(23DA)j [w.e.f. A.Y. 2014-15]

  50. Income of Investor Protection Fund [Section 10(23EA)]

  51. Exemption of income of investor protection fund of depository [Section 10(23ED)] [w.e.f. A.Y. 2014-15]

  52. Exemption for Certain Incomes of a Venture Capital Company or Venture Capital Fund from Certain Specified Business or    Industries [Section 10 (23FB)]

  53. Income of Registered Trade Unions [Section 10(24)]

  54. Income of Provident and Superannuation Funds [Section 10(25)]

  55. Income of Employee’s State Insurance Fund [Section 10 (25A)]

  56. Income of Schedule Tribe Members [Section 10(26) and 10(26A)]

  57. Income of Sikkimese individual [Section 10(26AAN] (With retrospective effect from 1-4-1990)

  58. Regulating the marketing of agricultural produce [Section 10[26AAB]

  59. Income of a corporation set-up for promoting the interests of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes or Backward Classes [Section 10(26B)]

  60. Income of a corporation set-up to protect the interests of Minorities [Section 10(26BB)]

  61. Any income of a corporation for ex-servicemen [Section 10(26BBB)]

  62. Income of cooperative society looking after the interests of Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or Both [Section 10(27)]

  63. Any income accruing or arising to Commodity Boards etc. [Section 10(29A)]

  64. Amount received as subsidy from or through the Tea Board [Section 10(30)]

  65. Amount received as subsidy from or through the concerned Board [Section 10(31)]

  66. Income of Child Clubbed U/s 64 (IA) [Section 10(32)]

  67. Income by way of dividend from Indian company [Section 10(34)]

  68. Exemption of income to a shareholder on buyback of shares of unlisted company [Section 10 (34A) [w.e.f. A.Y. 2014-15]

  69. Exemption of income from Units [Section 10(35)]

  70. Exemption of income from Securitisation Trust [Section 10(35A)] [w.e.f A.Y. 2014-15]

  71. Capital Gain on compulsory acquisition of urban Agricultural Land [Section 10(37)]

  72. Income from international Sporting event [Section 10(39)]

  73. Exemption of ‘specified income’ of certain bodies or authorities [Section 10(46)]

  74. Exemption of Income of a foreign company from sale of Crude Oil in India [Section 10 (48)]

More ... Topics @ Taxation System
Basic Concepts on Tax Systems in India
Basis of Charge (Residential Status)
Capital & Revenue- A Distinction Between As Per Income Tax ACT. 1961
Exempted Incomes : www.IncomeTaxManagement.Com
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020) : For Co-operative Society
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020) : For Company
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2014-2015 & 2015-2016) : For Individuals (Males and Females both below the age of 60 years), HUFs, AOPs, BOls
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020) : For Minimum Alternate Tax [MAT]
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020) : For Partnership Firm
Wealth Tax Rates for the (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020)
Income Tax Rates / Tax Slabs (AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020)
Section-wise Other Income Tax Rates [AY-2018-2019 & 2019-2020] Specified In The Income Tax Act.
Tax Rates applicable under Sections 115-O and 115QA during A.Y. 2019-20
Tax Rates for Tax Collection at Source ( TCS) U/s 206C during the A.Y. 2019-20
Tax Rates for Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) during the A.Y. 2019-20
Tax on Income distributed by UTI / Mutual Fund under section 115R during A.Y. 2019-20
Tax Holiday - FREE TRADE ZONE (FTZ)[ Section 10A]
Tax Holiday : 100% EXPORT ORIENTED UNDERTAKINS( 100% E.O.U.) [Section-10B]
Tax Holiday : INCOME FROM EXPORT OF ARTISTIC HANDMADE Wooden Articles[Section-10BA]
Tax Holiday- Deduction (Sections 80-IA)
Tax Holiday- Deduction (Sections -80-IAB)
Tax Holiday- Deduction (Sections - 80IB )
Tax Holiday- Deduction (Sections - 80IC)
FREE TRADE ZONE (FTZ)[ Section 10A] : Tax Holiday (Sections 10A, 10AA, 10B & 10BA)
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE [ SECTION 10AA] : Tax Holiday (Sections 10A, 10AA, 10B & 10BA)
100% EXPORT ORIENTED UNDERTAKINS( 100% E.O.U.) : Tax Holiday (Sections 10A, 10AA, 10B & 10BA)
INCOME FROM EXPORT OF ARTISTIC HANDMADE : Tax Holiday (Sections 10A, 10AA, 10B & 10BA)
Taxation Systems in India

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