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BLOG on Income Tax Management for - AY 2022-23 & 2023-24

Tax Tutorials

Income Tax Management (India)

Manner of Computation of Interest payable by the Tax Payer under the Income-tax Act. [Rule 119A]
Under the Income-tax Act, different types of interests are levied for various kinds of delays/defaults. In this part, you can gain knowledge about the provisions of section 234A, 234B and 234C dealing with interest levied for (i) delay in filing the return of income; (ii) non-payment or short payment of advance tax; and (iii) non-payment or  short payment of individual instalment or instalments of advance tax (i.e., deferment of advance tax)....

Interest for Delay in Filing the Return of Income [Section 234 A]
Under section 234A, interest is levied for delay in filing the return of income. ...

Interest for default in Payment of Advance Tax [Section 234B]
Section 234B provides for levy of interest for default in payment of advance tax..

Interest for default in Payment of Instalment(s) of Advance Tax [Section 234C]
Section 234C provides for levy of interest for default in payment of instalment(s) of advance tax. Before getting into the detailed provisions of section 234C, lets recall the provisions relating to payment of advance tax by a taxpayer.

Refund Of Excess Tax Paid By The Taxpayer (Sections - 237 to 245 )
Many times it may happen that the taxpayer has paid excess tax as against the tax required to be paid by him. In such a case he is granted refund of the excess tax paid by him. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions relating to claim of refund of excess tax paid by the taxpayer.

Interest On Excess Refund Granted To The Tax Payter [ Section 234D]
At times it may so happen that the taxpayer is granted excess refund. Section 234D provides for levy of interest on excess refund granted to the taxpayer. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions relating to interest on excess refund granted to the taxpayer ...

Provisions Of 'Income-Tax Law' Useful For Non-Residents
In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions of Income-tax Law and Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) which are useful to a non-resident. The first part deals with provisions of Income-tax Law and the second part deals with the provisions of FEMA.

Provisions of 'FEMA' useful for Non-Residents
FEMA stands for ‘Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999’. In this part you can gain knowledge about important provisions of FEMA 1999.

MAT (Minimum Alternate Tax)
Initially the concept of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) was introduced on companies and progressively it was made applicable to all other taxpayers in the form of Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT). In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions relating to MAT

Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) Rates for the A.Y. 2018-19 and 2019-20

Presumptive Taxation Scheme of Section 44AD
To give relief to small taxpayers from the tedious job of maintenance of books of account and from getting the accounts audited, the Income-tax Act has framed the presumptive taxation scheme under sections 44AD, section 44ADA and section 44AE. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions of the presumptive taxation scheme of section 44AD.

Presumptive Taxation Scheme of Section 44ADA
To give relief to small taxpayers from the tedious job of maintenance of books of account and from getting the accounts audited, the Income-tax Act has framed the presumptive taxation scheme under sections 44AD, section 44ADA and section 44AE. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions of the presumptive taxation scheme of Section 44ADA.

Presumptive Taxation Scheme of Section 44AE
To give relief to small taxpayers from the tedious job of maintenance of books of account and from getting the accounts audited, the Income-tax Act has framed the presumptive taxation scheme under sections 44AD, section 44ADA and section 44AE. In this part you can gain knowledge about various provisions of the presumptive taxation scheme of Section 44AE.

Tax On Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG)
Gain arising on transfer of capital asset is charged to tax under the head “Capital Gains”. Income from capital gains is classified as “Short Term Capital Gains” and “Long Term Capital Gains”. In this part you can gain knowledge about the provisions relating to tax on Short Term Capital Gains.

Tax On Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG)
Gain arising on transfer of capital asset is charged to tax under the head “Capital Gains”. Income from capital gains is classified as “Short Term Capital Gains” and “Long Term Capital Gains”. In this part you can gain knowledge about the provisions relating to tax on Long Term Capital Gains.


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